Minimum requirements

Oplon modules compatibility matrix


The Oplon suite was designed to be used on multiple platforms in all virtual and cloud environments.

Linux operating systems supported

The reference operating system is Linux with Kernel version 3 or higher x86_64 and where the package management utilities present are: yum / dnf / apt.

Oplon modules only use the core kernel components of Linux operating systems which are the same for all distributions from kernel 3 onwards ( (opens in a new tab)). For this reason, compatibility is maximum with all Linux distributions including Linux operating system images made available by Cloud Providers such as Amazon EC2, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Alibaba Cloud and any other provider that provides Linux images with kernel 3 or higher.

Supported Microsoft Windows operating systems

All Oplon modules, with the exception of the ADC (Application Delivery Controller) module and related functions, are supported for all X86_64 Microsoft Windows platforms.

Summary compatibility matrix Oplon modules / operating systems

Oplon modulesLinux kernel >= 3 x86_64Microsoft Windows X86_64
Application Delivery Controller
Web Application Firewall
DoS/DDoS attack mitigation
DNS Global Load Balancer
File Integrity Monitoring
Traffic Monetizer
Traffic Monetizer Light
DNS & Proxy Manager
Commander Orchestrator
CA Certificates Manager
Multi Factor Authentication
Mobile App OPLONAndroidApple
Multi Factor Authentication

*Oracle Sun Solaris and IBM AIX upon request and subject to Oplon NETWORKS opportunity approval.

TM and TML modules databases supported

The Oplon suite uses relational and transactional databases to store all events and the data traffic log. The choice was dictated by the nature of the stored data which must be Atomic, Consistent, Isolated and Durable (ACID (opens in a new tab)) in order to be reliable and usable for measurement, billing or survey systems forensic.

Tabella sintetica database supportati

Database nameTraffic Monetizer LightTraffic MonetizerTraffic Monetizer EVO
PostgreSQL✅ (default)
Oracle DB Enterprise with Partitioning❎ (EOS OPLON 11.0)
MariaDB❎ (EOS OPLON 11.0)
Apache Derby❎ (EOS OPLON 11.0)
Oracle DB❎ (EOS OPLON 11.0)
Oracle DB RAC❎ (EOS OPLON 11.0)
Microsoft SQL Server❎ (EOS OPLON 11.0)

*For particular configurations, ask