Communication between Identity Provider Proxy and Endpoint
The Idpp interposing itself between the Identity Provider and the Endpoint sends the user information via a header to the Endpoint. The header is visible only to the endpoint application and its key is X-Idpp-Outcoming-Data; The value of the account header is in JWT format.
JWT Header decoded:
"alg": "RS256"
JWT Body decoded:
"sub": "V76hkpYvQTHC3rlvU0q8uhCvpQOcuv4DQCYiz-JVC28",
"verified_secondary_email": [
"example.2@acme .org"
"iss": "https://www.acme-idp.org/a85314ec-ef7e-4f39-be72-fdca47945f3d",
"preferred_username": "example@acme.org",
"verified_primary_email": [ "example@acme.org"
"ipaddr": "X.X.X.X",
"email": "example@acme.org",
"ver": "2.0",
"groups": [
" given_name": "example",
"nonce": "lUeYcAqMiiz_KXIGT8t9ItdWVoAXhOh3k6hqBJPtym8",
"tenant_ctry": "IT",
"aud": "c3d5716c-d33c-4396-84e6-bd672a387e4a",
"tenant_region_scope": "EU",
"upn": "example@acme.org",
"name": "example_firstname example_lastname",
"family_name": "example_lastname",
"idpp_key": "pLEBKvJruSLJZPEDhb6YMOZcxoidfPyTYernPAN2mGvbSkMbVIFKPOA4TYp1fpR8PvaFCpOwiEOYRMQfvaLu9g",
"idpp_logout_endpoint": "https://www.acme.org/logout",
"idpp_listener_http_protocol": "HTTP/1.1"
The JWT Body elements are all the information sent by the Identity Provider unmodified plus the idpp_logout_endpoint key, idpp_key and idpp_listener_http_protocol.
Logout can be done in two ways:
- from a client without session cookies (without IdPP cookies) (eg: endpoint application in Go, Java, C#, Rust ..etc)
GET ${idpp_logout_endpoint.path} ${idpp_listener_http_protocol}
Host: ${idpp_logout_endpoint.hostname}
X-Idpp incoming data: ${endoded_jwt_sent_by_idpp}
- from a client with session cookies (with IdPP cookies) (eg: browser via javascript)
GET ${idpp_logout_endpoint.path} ${idpp_listener_http_protocol}
Host: ${idpp_logout_endpoint.hostname}
Cookie: ${idpp_cookie_name}=${idpp_cookie_value} //set automatically by the browser
If the logout was successful, the status code will be 204
Verification of JWT validity
The signature of the JWT can be verified using the public key used in the global parameters of the rule.
This public key in PEM format can be exported from the Idpp and imported into the endpoint application or
by performing a GET
to ./.well-known/public-key
SAML2 entity descriptor
The entity descriptor can be obtained in this path ./${n}/.well-known/saml2-entity-descriptor
where n is the number of the button.