Oplon Secure Access Update

Oplon Secure Access (OSA) Version Update


This document describes the steps required to update from:

  • LBL Rel.9.1.0 ➡️ Oplon (latest) Rel.10.x.x
  • Oplon Rel.10.x.x ➡️ Oplon (latest) Rel.10.x.x

Remembering that you can always check the latest released version from: https://download.oplon.net/ (opens in a new tab)


Before anything else, make sure you have a backup if you restore your previous situation.

Update Virtual Appliance from our online repository

In the presence of the Internet, it is possible to update the OPLON VAPP use the procedure described below. The supported operating systems are all Linux distributions with Kernel 3 or higher (yum / dnf / apt packages management tools). Make sure you have unzip installed: unzip -v

  1. Log in as root in the LINUX operating system

  2. If not exists, create the /share directory and assign the right privileges:

    mkdir /share && chmod 777 /share
  3. Change to the /share directory:

    cd /share
  4. Download the update script (make sure you have an internet connection):

    wget --no-cache --no-check-certificate -N "https://www.oplon.net/OPLON_INSTALL_LASTUPDATE.sh"
  5. Run the update command and answer the questions: